Charlotte ~ Pride and Prejudice Continues (The Pride & Prejudice Continues Series)

Karen Aminadra

5 Stars

Charlotte ~ Pride and Prejudice Continues (The Pride & Prejudice Continues Series) by Karen Aminadra is a follow-up to Jane Austin’s Pride & Prejudice.

I will admit that I am in love with Pride & Prejudice by Jane Austin, I have the book and have watched every version of it as a movie.

With that said I was very apprehensive to read this book, a continuance by a different author.. a good reason in itself to take pause. I grabbed this book during a promo a couple of months ago and put it in the “to read later” stack figuring that I would have to push myself to read this as I was already prejudice to the material. How wrong I was.

Karen follow-up to the original did it great justice. In this book we follow Charlotte after she marries Mr. William Collins and becomes the preachers wife. We see her struggles and triumphs. Karen describes everything with such passion you cannot help but to keep reading, to fall in love with all her characters and with the same passion hate the villains. I was so drawn in by this book that I read it in one day while working my normal day job, over lunch, and into the night just to finish it. By the end I found myself getting teary, as the ending was so full of emotions and depth.

I will be looking out for more to this series, as I know at least one other book has been written. Charlotte ~ Pride and Prejudice Continues (The Pride & Prejudice Continues Series Book 1) makes me feel like I am coming home from a long holiday with such familiarity in characters and settings.

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